Thursday 2 February 2012

Pat a cake...

Pat a cake bakers man, I have been a busy baker and eater of all things cake!

Banana loaf, Victoria sponge, scones and on Sunday hopefully carrot cake, no doubt I give you an arty instagram!

Sunday 22 January 2012

Banana loaf,

I am trying this year to actually stick to a new years resolution, you know none of those conversational killer, non chocolate eating, organised freak sort of resolutions...
I have chosen to get that oven on and start baking the good old hearty farmers wife sort of baking! I am a typical Victoria sponge with a cuppa tea sort of baker but that's all goner change, I've got myself a loaf tin!

I also usually start this new years resolution process in February as telling myself to change something because it's January doesn't bode well with the brain so I just trick the brain! If you keep thinking of something it will never survive. (thank you Oscar Wilde)

Well here she is, well what's left of the banana loaf we had for pudding after the lovely nanins Sunday roast!
We liked it so much we had two slices each and I went even further and had custard!
God this will be an easy resolution to keep especially when cake puts smiles on everyone's faces!

Tuesday 17 January 2012

Making a house a home,

That indie look has had a an old look for the new year, 1960's drink cabinet and burros, framed Walls and grandmas flying ducks, oh and how could i forget our Erie stag in the highland!

This area we like to call the living room it's cosy and welcomes tradition and if you would like to go through to the teenage rebels bedroom on your right you will find a sunny afternoon, a pinball wizard and a yellow submarine!

That indie look
40 St Paul street

Monday 2 January 2012

Looking for Neptune

Me and father avec ralphie went to fineshades wood this afternoon for a brisk clear your head and get ready for the obstacles to come in 2012 walk, well that was my excuse anyway.

The past few weeks I have become one with technology I'm writing this blog on my iPhone, I've also joined the generation of paper haters by receiving a Sony E-reader for Christmas which mother has assured me she brought from waterstones! I do however still love the smell of old Margery Allingham!

Thursday 17 November 2011


I'm back, don't know where I've been but I'm back and ready to get back on that blogwagon again!

Seeing as you all know (or if you didn't you will know now) we moved shops in Stamford (PE9 2BH) in October, however we also moved our office in aswell (I'm feeling very Lauren Conrad) therefore I have actually been working to earn my wage. The website is now being updated daily with us taking pictures and editing nearly everyday, it's called multi-tasking, I'm getting there.

Anywho got abit to excited yesterday as we changed the window of the shop into a glorious festive, eye catching landscape! Okay well not that far but it looks pretty good, take a peek for yourself...


Wednesday 5 October 2011

Shop Antics!

Lovely, thank you missing curtain for the pictures!
Were rotating some items in the shop to the website so keep your eyes peeled!
Join the fun!

Tuesday 4 October 2011

Swiss Roll, Aryan & A New Home!

Yep Saturday ( I know a little late but I'm actually working hard in the shop now) was our grand opening of our  new T.I.L Vintage shop in Stamford (PE9 2BH) Not only is it a shop of interesting finds of sequins, wool & the wild wild west, it's our new home for the website! It's a homely ( We have a plant in the office!) Shop stroke office, a glorious vast space of ladies vintage clothing and accessories, with a corner for the men, don't worry men it's all about quality not quantity right? With a lovely office at the back with the big boss desk and a photography studio... well it's homely remember that.

Come down and have a visit we are open 10am-5pm Monday to Saturday @ 40 St Paul Street Stamford.
Website which will be updated daily is
& You can also follow on twitter: and Facebook

Sells like hotcakes 'A great cardigan when your feeling sick' that's just what springs to mind...

'You Bring Me Sunshine' 
1950's Day Dress
'The Boss Chair'
'I am now a stone heavier'