Friday 19 August 2011

'I'm Fine'

'Do you know what Fine means?'

Freaked Out 

'Yeah unfortunately'

Oh the things i learn at work. But how could i forget that quote from The Italian Job!

I't be a sunny day in Stamford today, i'm wearing a dress, with tights of course as i am scarcely translucent. Many a wondering eye for the yellow polka dot dress draping from the mannequin, and the Egyptian bags hanging on there pegs. Today looks set for a good day however i have just wrote that so it won't happen then again i thought of it first, 'and nothing survives being thought of' does it Oscar Wilde!

Tomorrow i set for Blackpool, maybe Brighton or even Bournemouth, i will see if i can get any of those 'arty' pictures of the weekend on here.
Happy Birthday Hannah Ward

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