Friday 24 December 2010

Christmas Day

So where would Christmas be without,
Mary and Joseph?
Moricrimbe and Wise,
Laurel and Hardy?
Cracker Surprise?
Lights on the pine tree?
And more Aftershave?
I'm not forgetting Jesus who was born on Christmas Day!
Squeeze has got it down to a T.

Thursday 23 December 2010

This is how far i got with the festivities at home, i think i peaked to early i was making family & friends shortbread at the begining of December so i think the doom of the shortbread has ruined the festivities of christmas.
Damn you shortbread you christmas ruiner!
Anywho better get on with the day i'm actually wondering about getting a vanilla latte now thats not right im usually all over that!
Well i wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

T.I.L Vintage Through The Lens,

Tada, just a few photo's of the shop in Stamford. I know a little out of practice with the camera, i know. The photo's were taken with a Nikon Film SLR. It took a while to get them on for some reason my computer doesn't like to upload the pictures so could only do it at the shop believe it or not!
Well still not feeling christmassy even though we have snow and icicles and three ton of shortbread and cake at home. I still have a day to go yet though.

Monday 20 December 2010

Vintage A Cycle Of Life

Vintage fashion a conventional subject like any other that's talked about again and again, like when you go to your grandparents and your granddad repeats the same story over and over or when you go down the pub and listen to the same banter from the locals or when its Christmas and you always get the reincarnation of ‘My Family’ on the TV. (Well sort of). A constant reference to the past being brought up again and again.

Vintage fashion, however over rated or hyped up you may find it; it is a good example of originality being recycled (in a good way). I don’t know if it is just me or not but as a British citizen I always find that Britain has a tradition to always go back to the past, either in politics, society, music and even fashion, to name a few.

The 21st century has seen an increase in vintage franchise popping up all over the place with more industries, groups and people being more involved in creating vintage inspired shops, music clothes ect.. This shows the ever so popular franchise of vintage fashion being brought together all over the world.

With fashion from the named eras we now see in our own 21st century designers the relation in designs of the present. From the 2010 fall seen a number of decades inspired clothing, that of the 40’s, right through to the 90’s. Fashion being one of the pinnacles of the past that has gone through generations and been recycled into a more modern alternative.

Fashion before hand has always had a significant meaning or reason for such a change. Take for example the 1940’s where women were bringing industry into a iconic fashion statement through the war time era, to the swinging 60’s where London was on the edge of a revolution and was fast becoming one of the worlds leading fashion involved cities, to the not so long ago 1980’s where depression left the streets of Britain there own unique style, to the power dressing of the working woman. Nowadays we do have life changing moments in life but never to change the face of fashion as much as the past has.

You can now see the influence through such designers like: Prada, Moschino, Christian Dior, Louis Vuitton & Mui Mui, to name a few. How they have taken the originality of vintage clothes and put there own stamp on it to create an alternative for the modern woman today. It also shows how powerful and iconic the moments were in pacific eras to keep the cycle going.

I was thinking of this today as a woman came into the shop which is, I have to admit a vintage clothes shop and was in awe of how many vintage shops were growing and how many people were passionate about it. She said to me‘ God I used to have a Laura Ashley dress just like this years ago, isn’t it funny how it all comes back around’. That’s the point the originality of such iconic past moments will constantly be recreated for numbers of years.

Sunday 19 December 2010

The Case of The Missing Sketchbook

Well it's not really missing i know where it is, Just that i can't reach it. I am a little devistated as it's at my old sixth form so when i found these little beauties i was quite over the moon.
They really tie in with the weather at the moment meaning cold and yes i would agree slightly eerie.
I managed to take some photos with my film SLR today in the shop so if you don't see them up in the next day or so it means that any thread of photography skill i thought i had i obviously need a bit more practice in. Hopefully they fulfill my expectations!

Friday 17 December 2010

Absolute Beginners

I am listening to the ever so eccentric David Bowie in the shop today don't know why i told you that. It is so cold outside which is bad for me but there is a silver lining as the nordic jumpers are flying like hot cakes!
As it is a womens shop i thought i would show you that we are not sexest and we do sell mens jumpers equally as handsome and to let you in on a secret the men have been buying the womens, i don't think it really matters as i do find a man slightly attractive with a feminine side! Well it would balance me out more.

Out with the new in with the old..

I am going through a stage in my life where i think i should wear blouses all the time, like when i was young and it was acceptable to wear nylon all the time, it's actually nothing like that as blouses are wonderful to wear and make you look a bit more respectable of your own exsistance.
Anywho here are a few that i have had my eye on ever since my eyes have seen them, there on the website and still as far as i know in stock which is always a bonus, right the important bit is god i'm rabbling on abit, the websites and there you will find a wonderful mass of mens & womens vintage clothing to entice your very needs,
Out with the new in with the old i say!

A Delightful Evening

Last night was a night of all things wonderful: wisdom, laughs, company, pizza & of course vodka. I went for a lovely banquet of pizza with the streets most ambitious and dedicated women i've ever known, they were filling me up to the brim of knowledge and wisdom!

I'm in a very good mood this morning with the shop looking up to a respectable standard and people mooching around, i have just been to see the beautiful mistress curtain in her lovely bespoken antique shop with the granparents they enjoyed it very much. I also told them to go and visit the lovely Miss Pickering who i hope didn't stay up to late last night, as she has the best smelling shop in stamford.

Anyway no time to chat have a gingerbread latte getting cold here,