Friday, 14 January 2011

Cemetery Junction

I have wanted to watch this since it first came out, me & nan were going to watch it at the cinema. However watching it last night with the delightful Angela, I was confident that i won't be watching it with my nan after all. If you have seen the film you will know what i mean!

When i pop me cloggs i would love to go back and experience what the 70's was like as watching the film last night that was the era i would fit into most (Theres me thinking that heaven is like where you can choose to live in the afterlife).

I need to live like the poster illustrates;
Be Young,
Be Free,
Be Somebody.

I'm sure by living by this, i will have a happy and fulfilled life, god i'm such a moan today, really need to perk up a little bit!

I'm looking forward to bed today.

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