In 8 whole days! Yep i'm off to Sweden to visit Anna, which i'm very excited about especially as she says she will cook me pancakes for breakfast with blueberries. Anna lives in the town of Linkoping (and if Anna reads this i know its meant to have one of those 'o' with the dots on!), where i will eat sleep and breath Ikea, amazing! We are also walking the pristine streets of stockholm where we will have intelligent coffee chats every 5 seconds, with of course a much deserved gronola bar of course.
Well in preparation for this wonderful trip ( which i'm actually quite nervous about as i have a fear when travelling on Aeroplanes, what heights i hear you cry, how ordinary but no not due to heights or any 'normal' fear, it's because i've a fear of people with travel sickness... thats all i'm going to say on that one.
Anyway i know it's not winter, well not winter where i am in this current time but for some of you it is so this may be of some interest to you? Last year Scandavian culture style hit us from every ice-angle (god i just can't help myself sometimes) which has rolled on to effect this year. So we can still walk around in our chunky nordic jumpers and still be nodded at with approval, not Uggs though, alright.
I can only think of one word to describe these beautiful wooly creations and that is 'investment' they will take you through every winter you shall ever face, and lets face it can reindeers and snowflakes ever go out of fashion?!